We offer PSS®DE annual subscription in three packages – small, medium, and large. Each package comes with the technology and library models needed for different projects, either as electrical only, as electrical and thermal, or electrical, thermal, and hydrogen.
Each scenario can easily be analyzed and understood in the integrated results, energy flow diagrams and trends. A financial evaluation shows the economic benefits for specific stakeholders.
PSS®DE Small covers electrical projects:
- Electrical loads
- External grid connection
- Wind and photovoltaic (PV)
- Electrical Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
- EV chargers
- Reciprocating engines (RICE) – gensets
In addition to the scope covered by PSS®DE Small, PSS®DE Medium lets you simulate thermal assets:
- Heating (steam and hot water) and cooling loads
- District heating (steam and hot water) and cooling
- Reciprocating engines (RICE) – Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Gas turbines
- Steam turbines (full condensing and back pressure)
- Steam and hot water systems, including fuel-based boilers, electric boilers, heat pumps storage, vents, valves
- Cooling systems, including cooling loads, district cooling, absorption and compression chillers, storage, valves, and vents
PSS®DE Large package lets you simulate the electrical and thermal assets in Small and Medium, as well as hydrogen assets:
- Hydrogen loads
- Hydrogen grid connection
- Hydrogen systems, such as electrolyzers, fuel cells, gas turbines with hydrogen capability, storage, and compressors
- Process plants, for example, for ammonia and methanol