Protection engineers face an ever-increasing landscape of challenges around power system protection. These challenges include the growth of digital technology, increased number of protection system data points (i.e. digital relays, substations, etc.) and pressure to maximize grid reliability. PSS®CAPE supports protection engineers from transmission utilities, large distribution utilities, and some generation owners with their entire workflow including detailed protection data collection, electronic setting management, setting calculations and validation.
With its extensive library of highly detailed relay models and selection of modular protection tools, engineers can seamlessly manage voluminous and complex network data, uncover potential problems, and examine alternative solutions.
Since the 1980's, PSS®CAPE has been optimized to meet the needs of real protection engineers. Driven by customers, we offer focused capabilities that enhance your everyday work.
Get access to the world's largest library of highly detailed relay models, with over 6,000 relay styles, reclosers, and fuses. Unlike generic placeholder models, the detailed relay models address internal and external supervision, phase and fault selection logic, CT and VT input expressions, and actual phase and ground-distance comparator equations. Detailed relay models respond accurately to setting changes. The experienced PSS®CAPE team will also provide customized support to help develop on-demand models.
Leverage an innovative proven methodology to automate the wide area coordination review of your protective devices, this feature utilizes the existing network model as a basis to verify coordination among backup protection devices throughout a high-voltage transmission system. Almost any network data in electronic format, when updated and supplemented with protection data under this project, allows the automation of the entire coordination review and reporting process using the PSS®CAPE Compliance Module.
Reduce time and errors through automatic import of relay settings files. Some relays, such as those from Siemens allow PSS®CAPE to update the settings file as well as reading the file. Interfaces for this program are available for over 13 relay manufacturers.